Damaged tooth? RCT could save it
If your tooth's nerve chamber (pulp) becomes infected by decay, or damaged by injury, a root canal treatment (RCT) is often the only way to save it. Without root canal treatment, the gum and bone around the tooth may become infected and a painful gumboil or abscess can form.
Root canal treatment may be required if you have:
pain or throbbing while biting
pain when consuming hot or cold food or beverages
deep cavity or injury that causes an infection in the bone
colour change, or darkening of the tooth
swelling or/and pus discharge in the nearby gum.
If you're experiencing any of these symptoms, we recommend you book an appointment with your dentist.
What to expect
The dentist will remove the damaged or infected pulp (nerve chamber).
It will be replaced with a special filler which helps protect the rest of the tooth. This filler will probably last a lifetime but you may need a new filling or a cap on the tooth.
We will provide you with special home care instructions. Be sure to follow the instructions carefully and get in touch with us if you have any questions or concerns.​